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ProFantasy's mapping products are a wonderful tool for RPG use. As I've used them, I wanted to search through the Yahoo! archives for previous messages that dealt with my problems. There used to be a fine online tool by Morgan Olden that archived all of the old messages; but Mr. Olden has pulled support for it. So, we're left with Yahoo. Searching through the 64,000+ messages on Yahoo on a slow connection can take forever and was quickly decided to be unrealistic. So, I decided to do something about that.

I downloaded all the archived messages from Yahoo, converted them into a simple database format and used Borje Hagsten's excellent POFFs engine to view the database. PFArch (pronounced fark) is the result of that union. I'm indebted to Mr. Hagsten for allowing me access to his PowerBASIC sourcecode and allowing me to tweak it to suit my needs.

Use PFArch to search in postings made to ProFantasy's Yahoo groups. Extremely informative, with many thousands of questions, answers and source code samples available for fast and easy offline search. All in all, the unpacked databases carry more than 100 MB of useful information about everything regarding the ProFantasy line of products.

This is a privately maintained archive of the posts sent to the Campaign Cartographer mailing lists. This site is neither provided, nor sanctioned by ProFantasy Software Limited, or the admins of the Campaign Cartographer mailing lists. The content of this site is © by the respective authors.

Simply download the files, unzip to a suitable folder, then create a shortcut to the program the usual way.

File Description Size Last Updated Commments
PFArch's main executable 81 KB 11.29.08 Click here to see a screenshot
1999 Message Archive 1.5 Mb Complete Also includes the cc2-tool-l, cc2-dev-l, CC2-Dioramas, and CC2-Macros Yahoo! Groups
2000 Message Archive 3.5 Mb Complete
2001 Message Archive 3.3 Mb Complete
2002 Message Archive 2.9 Mb Complete
2003 Message Archive 2.5 Mb Complete
2004 Message Archive 4.0 Mb Complete
2005 Message Archive 2.9 Mb Complete
2006 Message Archive 3.3 Mb Complete
2007 Message Archive 2.0 Mb Complete
2008 Message Archive 609 KB Up to November 23, 2008

PFArch is Freeware. I will not charge any money for it. But I can ask for small contributions/donations to help keeping the program and the inspiration for maintaining it alive. So if this program and all the work that lies behind it is worth something/anything to you, please don't hesitate to send a small contribution, like a dollar or more (or EURO, whatever your currency is) to my PayPal account.


A cool utility by George Bleck that will showcase when a user has posted. It'll show day of week, time of day, number of posts and percentage of posts. It must be run in the same directory as the PFArch databases. The PowerBASIC 7 for Windows source code is also included.
File Description Size Last Updated
WhenOn 32 KB 01.25.04 Screenshot


A small program written by me that will showcase each user and how many posts that user has made. Mr. Bleck's program shows all this information as well; but, this list can be copied and pasted to show top ten posters and such. It must be run in the same directory as the PFArch databases. The PowerBASIC Console Compiler 3 source code is also included.
File Description Size Last Updated
NumPosts 14 KB 01.28.04 Output text example

Last updated on November 29, 2008,
by Kurt Reonis